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Terra Green gray
IFMA Charlotte reminds you to stay safe and healthy during this time.  Follow the health guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  www.cdc.gov as the nation's health protection agency.  
Empowering facility professionals to excel in the management of their facilities, teams, and workplace projects. IFMA Charlotte is where you learn, connect, and advance.
Strengthen your skills with industry-leading FM training and credentials.
Network with peers and build valuable professional relationships.
Collaborate with IFMA and RICS to define the future of FM.
Jeff Watson member spotlight headshot
A message from our President
Jeff Watson

Dear Fellow Members,
As we embark on a new term for the Charlotte Chapter of IFMA, I'm thrilled to welcome you back and share my excitement for what lies ahead. As many of you know, IFMA has been a constant source of support and growth for facility management professionals in our region.
Founded in 1987, IFMA Charlotte celebrated its 30 year anniversary in 2017. In 2018, IFMA Charlotte hosted IFMA's World Workplace Conference and Expo. The Charlotte Chapter is the premier professional association for facility management professionals in the Greater Charlotte Metropolitan area. IFMA Charlotte is currently 203 members strong and growing.

Staying on top of advancements in your profession is critical to the future of your career and the facilities you manage. IFMA provides a variety of educational opportunities to help meet your unique professional goals. Become a Certified Facility Manager®, Facility Management Professional or Sustainability Facility Professional™.


When you join the International Facility Management Association, you become a part of a global community of like-minded professionals. Members of IFMA Charlotte
gain access to an extensive local network of industry relevant professionals and events. Contact our Chapter's Membership Committee Chairman, Summer Berry, for additional information.


Member Spotlight

Student Member Spotlight
Oct student 2024

2024 Golf Tournament
