The Carolina Chapters of IFMA (Upstate, SC; Columbia, SC; Charlotte, NC; Piedmont Triad, NC; Greater Triangle, NC) invites you to submit a nomination for the Third Annual IFMA Carolinas Summit and Gala, which honors the Best in the Carolinas in Facilities Management. IFMA Carolinas Awards will be presented to winners at a celebration on June 16, 2022. IFMA Carolinas Awards finalists and winners will be selected by a panel of judges in the following categories: 1. FM Professional of the Year 2. Associate Member of the Year 3. Young Member of the Year (35 and younger) 4. Innovation of the Year To start the nomination, choose the nomination category from the list below. FM Professional of the Year This award recognizes the FM Professional in the Carolina's Region who made significant contributions to his/her company and to the facilities management industry. Eligibility Criteria - Nominees for this IFMA Carolina's Award must be a member of one of the IFMA Carolina's chapters in good standing. Selection Criteria - Winners for this IFMA Carolina's Award will be selected based on: 1. Their impact and leadership in Facilities Management within the Carolina's. 2. Their impact and leadership across their company and facilities staff. 3. Their ability to set and employ industry best practices. Associate Member of the Year This award recognizes the Associate Member in the Carolina's Region who has made significant contributions to his/her company, his/her clients and to the industry. The winner of this IFMA Carolina's Award provides value to clients that exceeds expectations. Eligibility Criteria - Nominees for this IFMA Carolina's Award must be a member of one of the IFMA Carolina's chapters in good standing. Selection Criteria - Winners for this IFMA Carolina's Award will be selected based on: 1. Commitment to elevate the FM industry and its practitioners through exemplary service. 2. Commitment to bringing innovative ideas and services to the industry and sharing those within the IFMA Carolina's chapters. 3. Commitment to their IFMA Chapter through the donation of time, ideas, effort, or financial support. Young Member of the Year This award recognizes an associate or professional member under the age of 35 who has made significant contributions and demonstrated leadership in the Carolina's Facility Management community. Eligibility Criteria - Nominees for this IFMA Carolina's Award must be a member of one of the IFMA Carolina's chapters in good standing and 35 years of age or younger. Selection Criteria - Winners for this IFMA Carolina's Award will be selected based on: 1. Contribution to the FM industry and their IFMA Chapter through active participation, professional development and volunteer service. 2. Knowledge of the FM industry, best practices and future trends. 3. Demonstrated commitment to other young members to engage and mentor them in the FM industry. Innovation of the Year This award recognizes a team that displays a commitment to innovation in Facility Management. This award honors those that “think outside the box” to deliver value to their company or client in a new way that elevates the practice of Facility Management. Eligibility Criteria - Nominees for this IFMA Carolina's Award must be a member of one of the IFMA Carolina's chapters in good standing. Selection Criteria - In the following criteria, the term "innovation" may refer to a product, program, services, process, initiative, tool, idea, technique, strategy or method. 1. Out of the Box, the degree to which the innovation demonstrates a new approach to solving an issue 2. Technology, the degree to which the innovation utilizes cutting edge technologies (IoT, sensors, AI, Predictive Analytics, etc.) 3. Adoptability, the degree to which this innovation can be replicated across the organization or industry